Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Best Ideas That Came To Mind This Week ? Sexuality & Love in ...

What Did George Lucas Teach This Generation Of Artists?

???Once an artist no longer deeply cares about the art they are creating, the art will suffer.? There?s a saying in writing instruction that goes:? ?No tears in the writer.? No tears in the reader.?? The saying means that if the writer doesn?t feel sadness for what they are writing, then the reader won?t either.? George Lucas? prequels taught us:? ?If there is no more passion in the screenwriter, there will be no passion in their films.?

???No amount of successful inspiration and execution can ensure future quality inspiration.

???Even the greatest of artists are human, each with an Achilles? Heel.

???If you don?t have something great to say, be quiet and enjoy your past success until you do have something interesting to say.

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A Source Of Wisdom

If a man would like to be smart, he should study what great men have said before him.? If he wants to be happy and wise, he should study what great women have said.

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It?s Not So Much About What You Are Seeking As It Is About What They Are Seeking

There are some people who look for lifelong friendships or love relationships. Comparatively, there are others who prefer to have temporary friendships and love relationships, with no strong intentions to keep the relationship going forever.

How can you tell if the person you?re in a relationship with is intent on a long or short path?? There?s no way to know for sure.? And there are many factors that affect whether a relationship endures.? One of the strongest factors is how pleasant and considerate you are to them.? But if you treat them very well, and early on in your relationship you?re trying to get a feel for whether they are looking long or short-term, then slowly, try to discover how long their other relationships have lasted. ?Their past behavior, sometimes regardless of their claims to the contrary, will often be more indicative of their future behavior.

To use an imperfect analogy:? Some people prefer to go through life ?renting? ? making flexible commitments that don?t require long term obligations.? Others prefer ?buying? ? taking on all the indebtedness and obligations that come from being fully responsible and commited.? If you?re looking for someone to buy a house with, you may not want to become obligated with someone who has historically rented, moved often, and never returned.? If you?re looking just to rent, you may not want to ally with someone who is always wanting you to go with them?to look at houses to buy.

Renters are not necessarily better than buyers, or vice versa.? But to avoid disappointing your expectations, whether you?re a renter or a buyer, it?s probably good to consider whether your partners? intents are similar to your intents.

Do renters ever become buyers, or vice versa?? Sure, but usually before they turn 30.

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